Sunday, November 15, 2009


okay jevons..we are sOOOO making this tcg!!!

take your time though!

here are the next people i need whenever. our deadline is June 2010. hahahaha

Freshmen Class of 2006.
1. Julie Kim
2. Joyce Park
3. Charissa Shin
4. Amos Choi
5. David Eun
6. Hyemi Hwang
7. Katherine Bon
8. Andrew Park (did we do him?)

here are your people!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Updates + things to look forward to

Card descriptions for Deena, Esther, and Julie were sent in. They'll be up sometime soon.

On another note, James (Donghee) and I are planning to make a web-based version of the kccctcg. We're learning C++ and php and we're going to put it all together using the images posted here. It'll be an awesome experiment. I'll let you know when you can play test it. =D